There are many ways to migrate on premises Oracle database to Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2). In this post I will show how to use AWS Database Migration Service to migrate on-premises Oracle Database 12.1.0 running in Windows to AWS EC2 running in Linux. I installed locally Oracle 12c software in Windows environment and created manually a new Oracle database 12.1.0 (SID SRCDB) then installed the Sample Schemas/Users that populate data in the new schemas: IX , SH , OE , Read More
Mar 17 2020
Migrate an on-premises Oracle database to Oracle on Amazon EC2 using AWS DMS
There are many ways to migrate on premises Oracle database to Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2). In this post I will show how to use AWS Database Migration Service to migrate on-premises Oracle Database 12.1.0 running in Windows to AWS EC2 running in Linux. I installed locally Oracle 12c software in Windows environment and created manually a new Oracle database 12.1.0 (SID SRCDB) then installed the Sample Schemas/Users that populate data in the new schemas: IX , SH , OE , Read More
By DBA_JAF • Amazon Web Services (AWS), AWS Database Migration Services, Cloud, Databases, Migration, Oracle • 0